160W Switching Power Supply

SKU : 89b32d8e5ffc

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SKU 89b32d8e5ffc Kategori :

The DCP42 power supply calculates and changes the Voltage and Current limit points in real time according to available maximum power (160W). At maximum current (10A), voltage is limited to 16V; at maximum voltage (42V), current is limited to 3.8A. Dual action rotary encoder control with push knob for fine and coarse tuning. Remote control for Output Voltage/Current and On/Off. Three on-board userdefined Voltage/Current presets. User-selectable 20 presets with up to 999 cycles on your PC via USB using the included software. Software also includes DC Ramp and Waveform Generator.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1196W15DCP42160W Single Constant Switching Power Supply with USB

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