3510 Bench pH Meters

SKU : 178b83cbfc0a

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 178b83cbfc0a Kategori :
  • Simultaneous readout of pH and temperature
  • pH resolution to 3 decimal places
  • 1, 2 or 3 point calibration
  • Automatic or manual buffer selection
  • Storage of up to 32 results
  • RS232 connection to printer or PC via DataWay

The 3510 is a versatile, simple to use pH, mV and temperature meter that is ideal for routine analysis. With up to three decimal place resolution and a choice of up to three calibration points the 3510 provides the user with added flexibility where future demands for enhanced performance may be required. A choice of pH calibration buffers to DIN, JIS and NIST standards can be used for automatic calibration, as well as manually entered buffer values. The pH measurement meter also has the ability to store up to 32 results.






pH range:-2 to 20
No. calibration points:1, 2 or 3
Automatic buffer recognition:Yes
Results stored:32
GLP compliant:No


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1204L5135459-043510 Bench pH Meter, 120V

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