5 to 9 pin RS232 Serial Cable for PC Connection

SKU : f6e80cc3af62

HI920011 is a 5 to 9 pin RS232 cable that allows for connection between compatible Hanna meters and a computer. This cable has a 9 pin female RS232 connector on one side for a Windows based PC and a 5 pin DIN connector on the other side for connection to a compatible meter. These high grade cables ensure data transfer and management remain easy and hassle-free.

  • Durable cable material
  • RS232 & DIN connection

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SKU f6e80cc3af62 Kategori :


HI920011 is a 5 to 9 pin RS232 serial cable for PC connection that allows for easy data transfer from a variety of Hanna meters. The HI920011 has a 9 pin female RS232 connector on one end and a 5 pin DIN female connector on the other end. The serial cable is for use with the Hanna Instruments portable turbidity meters and the HI9829 Multiparameter Meter which are used to test drinking water and ambient water to meet government standards, and to monitor water used in the manufacture of food and beverages.

5 pin DIN connector
9 pin RS232 connector



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