50% Brix Standard Solution (10 mL)

SKU : 3a8047afe21d

Use our premade brix 50% solution to ensure proper calibration of your sugar analysis refractometers. This high quality standard is manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and comes supplied with a Certificate of Analysis. The Certificate of Analysis provides the lot number, reference values and expiration date to provide traceability.

  • Supplied with certificate of analysis
  • Standard values of 50% Brix
  • Reusable

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 3a8047afe21d Kategori :

Making a Standard % Brix (Sucrose) Solution

To make a Brix Solution, follow the procedure below:

  • Place container (such as a glass vial or dropper bottle that has a cover) on an analytical balance.
  • Tare the balance.
  • Weigh out X grams of high purity sucrose (CAS #: 57-50-1) directly into a beaker
  • Add distilled or deionized water to the beaker so the total weight of the solution is 100g.
  • Note: Solutions above 65% may need to be vigorously stirred or shaken and heated in a water bath to roughly 40°C (104°F). Remove solution when sucrose has dissolved and allow to cool before use.

Example to prepare as 25% Brix solution:

% BrixSucrose (g) Water (g) Total (g) 








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