Abbe Refractometer

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The VEE GEE Model C10 Abbe Refractometer is an excellent instrument for the Refractive Index (nD) analysis of liquids, glass, plastic, & film.

Easy to Use
Operation consists of placing a sample on the prism; while looking through the eyepiece, the control knob is turned until the shadowline is centered in the crosshairs; the reading is taken where the vertical line crosses the scale. Calibrates with water.

Industrial Features
Oversized, easy-to-read scale; Refractive Index (nD) & Brix scales; primary & secondary prisms; color compensator dial; large measurement dial; focusable eyepiece.

Prism Temperature Control
Featuring 2 circulator nozzles for the primary prism and 2 for the secondary prism, Model C10 can be connected to a circulating bath to accurately regulate prism temperature. The prism temperature is displayed on the external glass thermometer. The effective temperature range is 0-70°.

Film Testing
Transparent or translucent film samples can be measured with the use of a glass standard (aids in the illumination of the sample), contact liquid (adheres the sample to the glass standard and to the primary prism), and an external sodium light source (sold separately).

Glass & Plastic Testing
Transparent or translucent glass and plastic samples can be measured with the use of a contact liquid (adheres the sample to the primary prism), and an external sodium light source (sold separately).

Note: The refractive index (nD) value of the sample must be lower than that of the contact liquid and the glass standard. The included bromonaphthalene contact liquid has a refractive index (nD) value of 1.6300. The included glass standard has a refractive index value (nD) of 1.5163.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
8045C05C10Abbe Refractometer

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