Activated Carbon (50 packets)

SKU : f1dd57a94eee

HI93703-55 Activated Carbon packets are for use with Hanna’s HI83225 Nutrient Analysis benchtop photometer. These packets are for sample preparation of irrigation water to remove color or turbidity. These easy to use packets ensures the proper amount of activated carbon is added to prepare the sample.

  • Convenient pre-measured packets
  • Marked with expiration date and lot number
  • Remove color and turbidity from samples

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SKU f1dd57a94eee Kategori :


Making sure that there is no color or turbidity is present in a sample is important in colorimetric measurements. Color and turbidity interfere with the transmittance of light through the sample and can lead to inaccurate readings if not removed. The activated carbon removes these interferences allowing for accurate measurements.



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