AdvanceBio SEC Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) Column

SKU : daf6804678a7

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SKU daf6804678a7 Kategori :

The AdvanceBio SEC 1.9 µm columns are designed to improve resolution and provided faster separation of protein aggregates and fragments by UHPLC. The optimized sub-two-micron particles are monodispersed and modified by unique hydrophilic bonding chemistry providing column reproducibility, stability as well as preventing secondary interactions and protein adsorption. The AdvanceBio SEC 1.9 µm column is intended to meet the needs for qualitative and quantitative critical quality attributes (CQA) analysis and method transferability across departments.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas No Mfr No Description
1137P44 PL1580-3201 AdvanceBio SEC 200A 1.9um 4.6x150mm

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