AFFINIMIP® SPE Metanephrines Selective Cartridges

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SKU b73220a4ad19 Kategori :

Affinimip SPE is a selective solid phase extraction based upon molecularly printed polymers (MIP). It combines the advantages of Immune-affinity columns in terms of selectivity and a classic solid phase extraction (SPE) in terms of robustness and costs. This selectivity and robustness combines to make Affinimips the choice for cleanup of target analytes from difficult Biological and Environmental matrices. AffinimipSPE is available in several formats from cartridges and in 96 well microplates in several different sorbent load levels.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1144L55DG101-1.96WAFFINIMIP SPE Metanephrines Selective Cartridges, 96 well plate
1144L56DG101-02AFFINIMIP SPE Metanephrines Selective Cartridges, 3 mL, 25/box
1144L57DG101-03AFFINIMIP SPE Metanephrines Selective Cartridges, 3 mL, 50/box
1144L58DG101-02AAFFINIMIP SPE Metanephrines Selective Cartridges, 1 mL, 25/box
1144L59DG101-03AAFFINIMIP SPE Metanephrines Selective Cartridges, 1 mL, 50/box

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