Ascentis® Express C8, 2.7 mum HPLC Column

SKU : 0eee89a9dcf2

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SKU 0eee89a9dcf2 Kategori :

Ascentis Express HPLC columns, through the use of Fused-Core® particle technology, can provide you with both the high speed and high efficiencies of sub-2 mum particles while maintaining lower backpressures. The combination of high efficiency and low backpressure benefits UPLC® (or other ultra high pressure system) users, as well as conventional HPLC users.Visit the Ascentis Express home page for more information on this new column technology.

Legal Information: UPLC is a registered trademark of Waters

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
21A00L99353838-U53838-U Ascentis(R) Express C8, 2.7 mum HPLC Column 2.7 mum particle size, L x I.D. 15 cm x 4.6 mm

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