Bio Ion Exchange (IEX) HPLC Columns 

SKU : de135a6298f5

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SKU de135a6298f5 Kategori :

Bio IEX: High-res, charge-based analytical separations

Agilent Bio Ion Exchange HPLC columns are packed with polymeric, nonporous, ion exchange particles. Bio Ion Exchange Columns are designed for high resolution, high recovery and highly efficient separations of peptides, oligonucleotides and proteins. The Bio IEX family offers strong cation exchange (SCX), weak cation exchange (WCX), strong anion exchange (SAX) and weak anion exchange (WAX) phases. All Bio Ion Exchange phases are available in 1.7, 3, 5 and 10 µm non-porous particles sizes.

  • Highly crosslinked and rigid nonporous poly(styrene divinylbenzene) (PS/DVB) particles are grafted with a hydrophilic, polymeric layer, eliminating nonspecific binding
  • Uniform, densely packed ion exchange functional groups are chemically bonded to the hydrophilic layer (multiple ion exchange groups per anchoring) to increase column capacity
  • Particles, coating and bonding are resistant to high pressures, promoting higher resolution and faster separations
  • Multiple ion-exchange groups are captured on one anchoring to increase capacity

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas No Mfr No Description
1221N78 5190-2421 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm SS
1221N79 5190-2422 Bio SCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221N80 5190-2423 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm SS
1221N81 5190-2424 Bio SCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221N82 5190-2425 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221N83 5190-2426 Bio SCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221N84 5190-2427 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221N85 5190-2428 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm PEEK gd
1221N86 5190-2433 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221N87 5190-2434 Bio SCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221N88 5190-2435 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221N89 5190-2436 Bio SCX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm PEEK gd
1221P02 5190-2461 Bio SAX non-porous .6 x 50 mm SS
1221P03 5190-2462 Bio SAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P04 5190-2463 Bio SAX non-porous 4.5 x 50 mm SS
1221P05 5190-2464 Bio SAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P06 5190-2465 Bio SAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221P07 5190-2466 Bio SAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P08 5190-2467 Bio SAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221P09 5190-2468 Bio SAX non-porous 4.6 x 10 mm PEEK gd
1221P10 5190-2473 Bio SAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221P11 5190-2474 Bio SAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P12 5190-2475 Bio SAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221P13 5190-2476 Bio SAX non-porous 4.6 x 10 mm PEEK gd
1221N90 5190-2441 Bio WCX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm SS
1221N91 5190-2442 Bio WCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221N92 5190-2443 Bio WCX non-porous 4.5 x 50 mm SS
1221N93 5190-2444 Bio WCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221N94 5190-2445 Bio WCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221N95 5190-2446 Bio WCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221N96 5190-2447 Bio WCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221N97 5190-2448 Bio WCX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm PEEK gd
1221N98 5190-2453 Bio WCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221N99 5190-2454 Bio WCX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P00 5190-2455 Bio WCX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221P01 5190-2456 Bio WCX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm PEEK gd
1221P14 5190-2481 Bio WAX non-porous 4.6 x 50 mm SS
1221P15 5190-2482 Bio WAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P16 5190-2483 Bio WAX non-porous 4.5 x 50 mm SS
1221P17 5190-2484 Bio WAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P18 5190-2485 Bio WAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221P19 5190-2486 Bio WAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P20 5190-2487 Bio WAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221P21 5190-2488 Bio WAX non-porous 4.6 x 10 mm PEEK gd
1221P22 5190-2493 Bio WAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm SS
1221P23 5190-2494 Bio WAX non-porous 4 x 10 mm SS gd
1221P24 5190-2495 Bio WAX non-porous 4.6 x 250 mm PEEK
1221P25 5190-2496 Bio WAX non-porous 4.6 x 10 mm PEEK gd

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