Bio SEC-3 PREP Column

SKU : 71b64bf3e29c

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SKU 71b64bf3e29c Kategori :

Agilent Bio SEC-3 HPLC bio columns are a breakthrough technology for size exclusion chromatography (SEC). These bio columns are packed with spherical, narrowly dispersed 3 µm silica particles coated with a proprietary hydrophilic layer. This thin polymeric layer is chemically bonded to pure, mechanically stable silica under controlled conditions, ensuring an efficient size exclusion particle. Agilent Bio SEC-3 HPLC columns are available in 100Å, 150Å and 300Å pore sizes to accommodate most peptide and protein size exclusion separations. View our full range of HPLC bio columns for your area of interest, get resources, and take advantage of special offers.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
19A00C5425190-6850Agilent SEC-3,100A,21.2x300mm

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