Bond Elut Solid Phase Extraction Cartridge

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SKU c8096e6a29cd Kategori :

Bond Elut C18 is the most hydrophobic, bonded silica sorbent in the Bond Elut range. It is the most popular SPE sorbent because of its retentive nature for nonpolar compounds. C18 is generally regarded as having the broadest spectrum of retention among bonded silica sorbents, since it retains most organic analytes from aqueous matrices. When analyzing small-to-intermediate molecules, Bond Elut C18 can be used for desalting aqueous matrices before ion exchange, as salts pass through the sorbent unretained

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
19A00A01112102025TBond Elut-C18, 200Mg 3ml, Tabless 50/Pk

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