Brownlee SPP 2.7 µm Peptide ES-C18 4.6 X 50 mm

SKU : ca927291f21b

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SKU ca927291f21b Kategori :
Sterically protected ligand (isobutyl – side chains), results in an Extra Stable bonded phase at low pH where most peptide separations are performed. The 160 Angstrom pore size was specially chosen for the molecular weight range of peptides. The ligand was chosen due to its sterically protected bonding technology that inhibits acid hydrolysis of the siloxane bonds, even under extremes of high temperature and low pH.
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1160K17N9308461Brownlee SPP 2.7 µm Peptide ES-C18 4.6 X 50 mm

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