Bulk SCX

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SKU e4bc8f5005ea Kategori :

SMT SCX Bulk Packings are silica-based Strong Cation eXchange packing materials developed for separation of cationic compounds. SMT SCX Bulk Packings consist of chemically attached hydrophilic surface derivatized to form sulfonic acid functionality. The technique of SAM is used in the bonding process to significantly increase the functional ligand density.

Special features include:

  • Superior selectivity and efficiency in the separation of proteins and biomolecules with medium to high [isoelectric point] or pH values
  • High stability under extreme operating conditions
  • High density sulfonic acid functional groups that provide improved recovery compared to conventional SCX Bulk Packings
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1183W89BSCX-35-150-100Bulk SCX: Particle Size: 35-50 µm, Pore Size: 150 Angstrom, Mass: 100g
1183W90BSCX-35-150-250Bulk SCX: Particle Size: 35-50 µm, Pore Size: 150 Angstrom, Mass: 250g
1183W91BSCX-35-150-500Bulk SCX: Particle Size: 35-50 µm, Pore Size: 150 Angstrom, Mass: 500g
1183W92BSCX-35-150-1000Bulk SCX: Particle Size: 35-50 µm, Pore Size: 150 Angstrom, Mass: 1000g

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