Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 8c5ae4b6800d Kategori :

Columns for gravity flow phase separation


  • Automatic separation of a two-phase mixture without separation funnel
  • Two-phase mixtures are completely applied to the column and the phase boundary is determined without further work. The special membrane automatically stops the flow when the lower phase has passed. The upper phase remains in the column, thus both phases are available for futher analysis.
  • Columns must not be run with vacuum or pressure

PTS for solvents heavier than water, e.g., for trichloromethane, dichloromethane maximum size 150 mL

PTL for solvents lighter than water, e.g., for diethyl ether, hexane maximum size 70 mL

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1151N41730712CHROMABOND® PTS SPE columns, 3 mL,
1151N42730714CHROMABOND® PTS SPE columns, 6 mL,
1151N43730716CHROMABOND® PTS SPE columns, 15 mL,
1151N44730718CHROMABOND® PTS SPE columns, 30 mL,
1151N45730720CHROMABOND® PTS SPE columns, 45 mL,
1151N46730722CHROMABOND® PTS SPE columns, 70 mL,
1151N48730724CHROMABOND® PTS SPE columns, 150 mL,
1151N59730732CHROMABOND® PTL SPE columns, 3 mL,
1151N62730734CHROMABOND® PTL SPE columns, 6 mL,
1151N65730736CHROMABOND® PTL SPE columns, 15 mL,
1151N67730738CHROMABOND® PTL SPE columns, 30 mL,
1151N70730740CHROMABOND® PTL SPE columns, 45 mL,
1151N72730742CHROMABOND® PTL SPE columns, 70 mL,

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