CM Series Industrial Imaging Clamp Meters with IGM™

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The FLIR CM275 clamp meter combines thermal imaging with electrical measurement in a powerful inspection, troubleshooting, and diagnostic tool. Through Infrared Guided Measurement (IGM), it provides a fast, reliable way to identify hot spots and overloaded circuits from a safe distance. Confirm your findings with the clamp meter’s wide range of functions plus temperature readings. The FLIR CM275 provides wireless connectivity for direct connection to the FLIR Tools app and the FLIR InSite professional workflow management solution. When you choose the FLIR CM275 clamp meter, inspecting and servicing plant equipment and facilities becomes safer and more efficient. Product comes with CM275, 3 x AA L91 lithium batteries, premium CAT IV silicone test leads, soft carrying case, quick start guide, and warranty registration card.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1163W92CM275CM275 Industrial Thermal Imaging Clamp Meter with Datalogging, Wireless Connectivity, and IGM

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