Condenser, Friedrichs

SKU : 141ee5378af8

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SKU 141ee5378af8 Kategori :

With molded spiral condensing surface and joint at bottom and top. Jacket length 250mm. Available in various joint sizes with hose barbs or Ace-Safe connectors.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1168H895971-10Condenser, Friedrichs, 24/40 top & bottom, size D hose barbs
1168H905971-15Condenser, Friedrichs, 29/42 top & bottom, size D hose barbs
1168H915971-20Condenser, Friedrichs, 24/40 top, 34/45 bottom, size D hose barbs
1168H925971-23Condenser, Friedrichs, 24/40 top, 45/50 bottom, size D hose barbs
1168H935971-27Condenser, Friedrichs, 24/40 top, 55/50 bottom, size D hose barbs
1168H945971-111Condenser, Friedrichs, 24/40 top & bottom, #7 Ace-Safe hose connectors for 1/4in id tubing
1168H955971-116Condenser,Friedrichs, 29/42 top & bottom, #7 Ace-Safe hose connectors for 1/4in id tubing
1168H965971-124Condenser,Friedrichs, 24/40 top,45/50 bottom, #7 Ace-Safe hose connectors for 1/4in id tubing
1168H975971-128Condenser, Friedrichs, 24/40 top, 55/50 bottom, #7 Ace-Safe hose connectors for 1/4in id tubing

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