Condenser, Reflux

SKU : 10b555e7666f

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SKU 10b555e7666f Kategori :

Coil style reflux condenser with a larger diameter jacket and coil, thereby providing maximum cooling capacity, while being shorter in length. Hose connections are on the bottom of the condenser which makes it easier to connect hose/tubing. Jacket has a O.D. of 41mm while the coil O.D. is 8mm. Excellent for use with high vapor pressure solvents. Condenser has a top outer standard taper joint and lower inner drip tip joint.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1142Q08CG-1213-J-01Condenser, Reflux, 24/40, 300mm OAH
1142Q09CG-1213-J-02Condenser, Reflux, 45/40, 300mm OAH

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