Cover Glass Rectangles

SKU : 1d9fd23a26ec

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 1d9fd23a26ec Kategori :

Quality and economy

  • Cut from colorless micro sheet which is of the highest resistance to attack by moisture; free from lead oxide; remarkably free from brittleness and very flat
  • Precision controlled thickness is obtained
  • Conforms to Interim Federal Specification NNN-C-001434A
  • Relative absence of brittleness greatly reduces breakage in handling and cleaning, particularly of large rectangles
  • Practically noncorrodible, corrosion under conditions other than tropical is highly improbable
  • Thickness of Red Label Cover Glasses is controlled within the following tolerances:
  • No. 0 – 0.085 to 0.13 mm thick, No. 1 – 0.13 to 0.17 mm thick, No. 11/2- 0.16 to 0.19 mm thick, No. 2 – 0.17 to 0.25 mm thick

Sizes in widest use are packed in a hinged-lid plastic box with die-cut foam plastic support liner. Cover glasses can be withdrawn singly without touching the surface. Remaining sizes are packed in small cardboard boxes. Ten 1 oz. boxes are packed in a convenient carton.

NOTE: thickness correction of microscope objectives is usually etched or printed on the objective.

Thickness of Red Label Cover Glasses is controlled within the following tolerances:

No. 1 – 0.13 to 0.16 mm thick
No. 1 1/2 – 0.16 to 0.19 mm thick
No. 2 – 0.19 to 0.23 mm thick



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1207Z4022X40-1-001GCover Glass No.1, 22X40mm.1 oz.BX
1207Z4122X50-1-001GCover Glass No.1, 22X50mm.1 oz.BX
1207Z4224X30-1-001GCover Glass No. 1, 24X30mm, 1 oz. BX (approx. 109 pcs)
1207Z4324X40-1-001GCover Glass NO.1, 24X40mm.1 oz..BX
1148U1424X50-1-001GCover Glass No. 1, 24x50mm, 1oz Box
1149J3024X60-1-001GCover Glass No. 1, 24x60mm, 1oz Box
1207Z4522X30-1.5-001GCover Glass No. 1.5, 22X30 mm, 1 oz. BX (approx. 103 pcs)
1207Z4622X50-1.5-001GCover Glass 22X50mm No. 1.5 1 oz. BX (approx. 62 pcs)
1207Z4824X40-1.5-001GCover Glass No. 1.5, 24X40 mm, 1 oz. BX (approx. 71 pcs)
1207Z4924X50-1.5-001GCover Glass No.1.5, 24X50 mm.1 oz.BX
1207Z5024X60-1.5-001GCover Glass No. 1.5, 24X60 mm, 1 oz. BX (approx. 47 pcs)
1207Z5124X50-2-001GCover Glass No. 2, 24X50mm, 1 oz. BX (approx. 48 pcs)
1207Z5224X60-2-001GCover Glass No. 2, 24X60mm.1 oz.BX

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