CR-10/20/30 Colorimeter

SKU : af011e2990ab

Measurement structure according to human eye evaluation

CR-10 / 20 / 30 Colorimeter adopts a 45 ° / 0 measurement structure that is more in line with the evaluation color of human eyes. The Colorimeter is small in size and easy to carry; The instrument can be wirelessly connected with Android or IOS devices, and the color can be managed on the mobile phone.

Automatic calibration
45 ° / 0 measuring structure
Single machine or connected mobile phone measurement
Lipstick size volume, more convenient to carry

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU af011e2990ab Kategori :
  • Measurement structure conforming to human eye evaluation color

    The Colorimeter series adopts the measurement structure of 45 ° / 0, which is closer to the color observed by human eyes

    Single machine can measure, display the measurement results, and have no worry about quality inspection

    It is applicable to the measurement of automotive interior parts, textiles, coil coatings, plastic products, road traffic signs and other materials

  • 彩谱小型色差仪CR系列
  • Automatic calibration

    When the instrument is turned on, it will be calibrated automatically at the same time. Pick up the instrument to carry out color detection, and the data is correct

    One key measurement, 1 second results

  • 彩谱小型色差仪CR系列

Technical Parameter


(No screen Professional Edition)


(Professional version with screen)


(Screen enhanced)

Test Index
RGB, hex, lab, LCH, HSB, LRV, spectral reflectance, CIE LAB, CIE LCH, hunterlab, CIE luv, XYZ,

YXY, RGB,Chromatic aberration( Δ E*ab, Δ E*cmc, Δ E*94, Δ E*00),

Whiteness (ASTM e313-00, ASTM e313-73, CIE / ISO, AATCC, hunter, taubebergerstensby),
Yellowness (ASTM d1925, ASTM e313-00, ASTM e313-73),Blackness (my, DM),

color fastness, color fastness, tint (ASTM e313-00),Color density CMYK (a, t, e, m),

homochromatic spectrum index milm, Munsell, hiding power, power (dye strength, coloring power)

Lighting sourceLED(Full band balanced LED light source)
Illumination aperture4mm
Wavelength interval10nm
Wavelength range400nm-700nm
Short term repeatability※ΔE*00≤0.1ΔE*00≤0.05
Inter-instrument agreementΔE*00<0.5ΔE*00<0.4
Test time1.0s
ScreenNo screenIPS full color screen(135*240,1.14inch)
Battery capacity5000 consecutive measurements can be made with a single full chargeA single full charge can be measured 10000 times continuously
LanguageChinese, English
CalibrationAutomatic calibration
Software supportAndriod,IOS,Wechat applet,Windows
WeightAbout 75g
SizeDiameter: 33mm, height: 84mm
StorageApp mass storage

※ Measure the standard deviation of whiteboard 30 times every 5S

※※ Measured average value of 12 color bricks of BCRA Ⅱ series

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