
SKU : a6d715cbd48d

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SKU a6d715cbd48d Kategori :

Thomas No. 1220W05

  • Triple LCD simultaneously displays 3 Type-K Temperature channels
  • Datalogger date/time stamps and stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format for easy transfer to a PC
  • Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds or Auto
  • Complete with (6) AAA batteries, 2G SD card, Univeral AC Adaptor, (3) Type-K bead temperature probes, and mounting bracket

Thomas No. 1220W06

  • Dual LCD simultaneously displays Relative Humidity and Temperature readings
  • Datalogger stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format for easy transfer to a PC
  • Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds or Auto
  • Complete with six AAA batteries, 2G SD card, univeral AC Adaptor and mounting bracket

Thomas No. 1220W07

  • Checks for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentrations
  • Maintenance free dual wavelength NDIR (non-dispersive infrared) CO2 sensor
  • Triple LCD simultaneously displays CO2, Temperature and Relative Humidity
  • Measurement ranges: CO2 – 0 to 4,000ppm; Temperature – 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C); Humidity – 10 to 90%RH
  • Datalogger stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format for easy transfer to a PC
  • Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds or Auto
  • Complete with six AAA batteries, 2G SD memory card, universal AC adaptor, and mounting bracket

Thomas No. 1215Y30

  • Triple LCD simultaneously displays 3 Type-K Temperature channels
  • Datalogger stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format for easy transfer to a PC
  • Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds or Auto
  • Complete with six AAA batteries, 2G SD card, univeral AC Adaptor, three Type-K bead wire temperature probes and mounting bracket

Thomas No. 1215Y32

  • Displays Barometric Pressure in 3 units of measure: hPa, mmHg, and inHg
  • Triple LCD simultaneously displays Barometric Pressure, Temperature, and Relative Humidity
  • Datalogger date/time stamps and stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format for easy transfer to a PC
  • Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds
  • Complete with (6) AAA batteries, 2G SD card, Universal AC adaptor, and mounting bracket


Thomas No.1220W05

SpecificationsRangeResolutionAccuracy (% rdg+digits)
Temperature-58 to 2372°F
-100 to 1300°C
0.1°F/°C±(0.5% + 1°F)
±(0.5% + 0.5°C)
Memory2,000K data using 2G SD memory card
Dimensions5.2 x 3.1 x 1.3″ (132 x 80 x 32mm)
Weight9.9oz (282g)

Thomas No.1220W06

SpecificationsRangeResolutionAccuracy (% rdg+digits)
Temperature32 to 122°F
0 to 50°C
Humidity10 to 90%RH0.1%RH±4%RH
Datalogging interval5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds or Auto
Memory20M data using a 2G SD card
Dimensions5.2 x 3.1 x 1.3″ (132 x 80 x 32mm)
Weight9.9oz (282g)

Thomas No.1220W07

CO20 to 4,000ppm
Accuracy±40ppm (<1000ppm); ±5% rdg (>1000ppm)
Temperature32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)
Humidity10 to 90%
Datalogging2,000K data using 2G SD memory card
Dimensions5.2 x 3.1 x 1.3″ (132 x 80 x 32mm)
Weight9.9oz (282g)

Thomas No.1215Y30

SpecificationsRangeResolutionAccuracy (% rdg+digits)
Temperature-58 to 2372°F
-100 to 1300°C
0.1°F/°C±(0.5% + 1°F)
±(0.5% + 0.5°C)
Memory2,000K data using 2G SD memory card
Dimensions5.2 x 3.1 x 1.3″ (132 x 80 x 32mm)
Weight9.9oz (282g)

Thomas No.1215Y32

Barometric Pressure10 to 1100 hPa; 7.5 to 825.0 mmHg; 0.29 to 3248 inHg
Resolution0.1 hPa, 0.1mmHg, 0.01inHg
Temperature32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)
Resolution/Basic Accuracy0.1°F(°C) / ±1.5°F (0.8°C)
Relative Humidity10 to 90%RH
Resolution/Basic Accuracy0.1% / ±(4% of rdg + 1% RH)
Datalogging20M data using 2G SD card
Dimensions5.2 x 3.1 x 1.3″ (132 x 80 x 32mm)
Weight10oz (285g)


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1220W05SD2003 Channel Temperature Datalogger
1220W06SD500Humidity/Temperature Datalogger
1220W07SD800CO2/Humidity/Temperature Datalogger
1215Y30SD200-NIST3 Channel Temperature Datalogger
1215Y32SD700Barometric Pressure Datalogger

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