
SKU : 07acfa7e34d6

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 07acfa7e34d6 Kategori :
  • (35% Trifluoropropyl)-methylpolysiloxane
  • 300/320°C temperature limit
  • Midpolarity (more polar than DB-1701 or DB-17)
  • Ideal for difficult to separate positional isomers
  • Unique interactions with compounds containing nitro, halogen and carbonyl groups
  • Low ECD bleed
  • Unique selectivity
  • Close equivalent to USP Phase G6
  • Similar Phases: Rtx-200

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas No. ID (mm) Length (m) Film (µm)
2713R58 0.25 30 0.25
2713R59 0.25 30 0.50
2713T56 0.32 30 0.25
2713T57 0.32 30 0.50
2713V64 0.53 30 1.00
Thomas No Mfr No Description
2713R58 122-2032 DB-200 30m, 0.25mm, 0.25um
2713R59 122-2033 DB-200 30m, 0.25mm, 0.50um
2713T56 123-2032 DB-200 30m, 0.32mm, 0.25um
2713T57 123-2033 DB-200 30m, 0.32mm, 0.50um
2713V64 125-2032 DB-200 30m, 0.53mm, 1.00um

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