Digi-Sense Thermistor Thermometer, NIST-Traceable Calibration

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The Digi-Sense Professional Single-Input Thermometers offer fast response and laboratory accuracy. Features include automatic backlight, Max/Min readings, and automatic power-off. These thermometers provide precise measurements when accuracy is a must, delivering dependable results every time! Each model is packed with distinctive features for use in a wide array of applications. Robust and reliable constructed to protects against knocks and jars. These thermometers produce a high degree of accuracy, with a rapid response time, and exceptional battery life of up to 3000 hours.

  • Reliable measurements, guaranteed!
  • NIST-traceable certificate included
  • Heavy duty construction to protect against knocks and jars.
  • Super lager LCD for easy viewing of data
  • Accepts a wide variety of probes
  • Min, Max, and Avg readings, for quick analysis of the object
  • Electronic Offset function allows compensation of probe errors

Protective rubber armor boot with built-in stand, one 9 V battery, and NIST-traceable calibration report with data supplied by InnoCal. Data logging models 20250-92, -94, and -96 also include a USB cable and software.


Meter Measurement TypeThermistor
Number Of Probe Channels1
Types Of Probes Accepted400 Series
Min Temperature (° F)-40
Max Temperature (° F)257
Min Temperature (° C)-40
Max Temperature (° C)125
Accuracy±0.9°F (±0.5°C) from 32 to 158°F, (0 to 70°C); ±2°F (1°C) outside range
Resolution0.1°F (0.1°C) 
Data LoggingNo
Low Battery IndicatorxYes
Display TypeLarge, dual, backlit LCD
Battery Life3000 hours
BatteryOne 9V battery (included)
DescriptionThermistor Thermometer, NIST Traceable Calibration


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
21A00P803EW-20250-93Digi-Sense Thermistor Thermometer, NIST-Traceable Calibration

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