Digital Density/Specific Gravity Meter

SKU : 6f945442a898

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SKU 6f945442a898 Kategori :

This density meter is easy to grip and control even when you’re wearing thick work gloves. The narrow 1″ (2.5 cm) depth lets you maneuver in tight spaces. Meter features a pipette-style pump for good sample flow control — no bellows or bulb to rupture and leak. To draw in a sample, simply press the lever at the top of the meter with your thumb. View density, specific gravity, % concentration, or sample temperature on the large LCD. Press lever again to discharge sample.

Store up to 1024 readings with a push of a button. Access permanently stored concentration tables including % Brix, % alcohol, proof, °Baume, °Plato, API gravity, specific gravity at reference temperature, and % H2SO4. Durable meter housing is sealed against pump spills. Infrared interface lets you send stored readings to your PC for later analysis — order infrared to USB adaptor or optional infrared printer separately. Case is included.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1178N2125750-60Digital Density/Specific Gravity Meter

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