Digital-Display Polarimeter

SKU : c36da4be4a87

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU c36da4be4a87 Kategori :
  • Two separate scales: Angle of Rotation +180° to 0° to -179.95° and The International Sugar Scale +130°Z to 0.0°Z to -130°Z
  • Large 3-digit LED display

Push-button rotation switches adjust the left and right visual fields to an equal brightness, which makes it quick and easy to take measurements. Distilled water is used to zero the Polax 2L; a zero indicator lets the user know the unit is calibrated.

To take a measurement, simply fill the sample tube with the sample solution and set the tube on the sample stage. When viewed through the ocular lens, the left and right visual fields will have different brightness levels. Adjust the rotation switches until the fields are of equal brightness. At this point, the correct reading is shown on the digital display.

The polarized light source used is a LED with a filter for 589 nm. Two sample tubes are included: 100 mm and 200 mm. The 200 mm tube permits higher accuracy when used with transparent liquids, while the 100 mm tube should be used with cloudy samples containing impurities. The tubes also contain a bubble trap which prevents errors caused by air bubbles in the sample. Also included is a glass thermometer (0-50°C).



Thomas No Mfr No Description
7824C05 RE-6720 POLARIMETER TUBES, 100 mm
7824C09 RE-6721 POLARIMETER TUBES, 200 mm

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