Digital Refractometer Honey, 4 scales

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SKU d8df263fed95 Kategori :

The MDX-Series Digital Honey Refractometer features IP65/67 ratings making it ideal for use in the field and in a multitude of environments. Delivering quick, digital accuracy with high-end performance features like:
Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) and Continuous Loop Average Readings.


  • Easy operation with large readable digital LCD display that shows all data needed on screen
  • Quick Results: Simply place 4-5 drops of your sample into the well, close the prism cover, and press the “READ” button
  • Easy to Clean: Prism cover and rubber grip surround not only add extra protection, they are removable for easy cleaning
  • Optical Glass Prism


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21A00F62548301Digital Refractometer Honey, 4 scales

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