Discovery® DSC-NH2 SPE Tube

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 761e2ac8f77b Kategori :

Retention Mechanism: Normal phase or Anion-exchangeSample Matrix Compatibility: Organic or aqueous solutions
•Polymerically bonded, aminopropyl phase that is very polar in nature (hydrogen bonding) allowing for both normal phase and ion exchange applications
•A weak anion exchanger with a pKa of 9.8. At pH 7.8 or below, the functional groups are positively charged
•Ion exchange capacity is >= 0.43 meq/g.
•Allows the rapid release of very strong anions such as sulfonic acids that may be retained irreversibly by strong anion exchangers
•Can be used in some reversed-phase applications (due to ethyl spacer); however, it is predominately used as an ion-exchange or normal phase sorbent due to its polar nature

Legal Information: Discovery is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
21A00L82152637-U52637-U Discovery(R) DSC-NH2 SPE Tube bed wt. 500 mg, volume 3 mL, pk of 54

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