Dissolved Oxygen Meter/Datalogger

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU e229b274bbab Kategori :

Measures dissolved oxygen from 0 to 20.0mg/L and 0 to 100.0% oxygen plus temperature from 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)

  • Automatic Temperature Compensation from 0 to 50°C via temperature probe sensor built into polarographic type oxygen probe
  • Offset adjustment used for zero function to make relative measurements
  • Stores 99 readings manually and 20M readings via 2G SD card
  • User programmable sampling rate
  • Built-in PC interface
  • Min/Max and Data Hold functions, Auto power off
  • Complete with 6 x AA batteries, SD card, probe, two spare replacement membranes, electrolyte, and hard carrying case


SpecificationsDissolved OxygenOxygenTemperature
Range0 to 20.0 mg/L0 to 100.0%32 to 122°F
(0 to 50°C)
Accuracy±0.4 mg/L±0.7%±0.8°C/1.5°F
Probe Compensation
& Adjustment
Salt: 0 to 50%Altitude: 0 to 8910mTemp: 0 to 50°C
Dimensions/Weight7.2 x 2.9 x 1.9″ (182 x 73 x 47.5mm) / 25.6oz(725g) (meter only)
Probe: 28mm(1.1″)D x 190mm(7.5″)L


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1215Y35SDL150Dissolved Oxygen Meter/Datalogger

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