DurOx® Galvanic Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

SKU : 9ee1b29cf92b

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SKU 9ee1b29cf92b Kategori :

Robust, membrane-covered galvanic dissolved oxygen sensor for applications in flowing waters, fish hatcheries, aeration basins and more fields. With screw-on protection. The special membranes achieve stable measured values, especially in the aeration basin and similar applications with strongly fluctuating oxygen content.

  • Suitable for field applications thanks to its robust design
  • Use in aqua cultures with the protective basket against bites (including in delivery)
  • Stable signal thanks to special membrane technology



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1234T95 201570 Durox 325 Sensor w/3 M Cable
0916C38 201578 Accessories Kit with Replacement and Maintenance Parts for DurOx® Sensors (3 replacement membrane heads and electrolytes, cleaning solution, polishing strips)
0916C41 202740 3 Replacement Membrane Heads for DurOx® Sensors

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