Dymax 200 Watt UV Bulb & Reflector Assembly

SKU : 530e634a5db4

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SKU 530e634a5db4 Kategori :
200 Watt bulb designed for use with the DYMAX BlueWave 200 UV curing spot system. Typical Use: Used to replace lamps for BlueWave 200.

The UV bulb is a key component in a UV curing lamp. Dymax UV curing bulbs are designed to maximize UV curing intensity while minimizing intensity degradation over time, resulting in fewer bulb changes and lower operating costs. The intensity and spectral output of UV curing bulbs determines their ability to cure UV adhesives and UV coatings. Metal halide bulbs come standard in Dymax UV curing lamps to match the cure chemistry of most Dymax UV curing adhesives. Refer to the chart below for UV curing bulbs.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
3846538465UV Lamp, Dymax – Reflector Assembly, 200Watt, Use with DYMAX BlueWave 200 UV Curing Spot System, 1 each

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