Electrode Holder with Steel Base

SKU : c0804cb04d9b

The HI76405 is an electrode holder with a large steel base that holds up to three electrodes in any position.

  • Holds up to 3 electrodes
  • Adjustable arm position
  • Stable steel base

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SKU c0804cb04d9b Kategori :


The HI76405 cantilever electrode stand features a large and sturdy steel base. The rectangular base provides a great level of strength and stability when adjusting the electrode arm. The electrode arm is able to hold up to three 12 mm diameter or less electrodes. When paired with a multichannel meter, this feature allows simultaneous measurements of a single sample to be performed and viewed. For measurements that require temperature compensation, a Hanna temperature probe can be placed in the electrode holder to obtain accurately compensated readings.



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