Electrolyte Fill Solution, 1M NaCl (30 mL x 4)

SKU : e5535314381c

HI7076 is a fill solution that contains 1M Sodium Chloride (NaCl) for use in potassium ion selective electrodes. The electrolyte level in refillable electrodes should be topped off before performing any measurements. If the level is low, refill with the proper electrolyte solution to ensure optimum performance. This simple maintenance helps guarantee adequate head pressure to promote the flow of reference electrolyte into the sample being measured.

  • Fill solution for double junction pH & ORP electrodes
  • Convenient 30 mL bottles
  • Expiration date and lot number clearly marked on the bottle

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU e5535314381c Kategori :


HI7076 1M Sodium Chloride fill solution is manufactured specifically for the HI4114 double junction polymer membrane potassium ISE and for the HI5315 double junction reference when used with the HI4014 polymer membrane half cell. This solution is made with reagent grade chemicals, deionized water, certified weight-checked balances, and Class A glassware.


Convenience of individual packaging

  • Ideal for users that do not calibrate frequently

Each bottle is marked with lot number and expiration date.

  • Hanna fill solutions are specially formulated to have an expiration of 5 years from manufacture for an unopened bottle



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