Filter Column, Michel-Miller

SKU : 3422ae11d96a

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SKU 3422ae11d96a Kategori :

For use with Michel-Miller Liquid Chromatography System as filter to assure only clean solvent enters column. Threads are #7 Ace-Thred for use with 5801-07 End Fitting. Usually positioned, in line, between pump and column using 1/4″-28 tubing connectors such as 5854, 5855 or 12724. Glass only is supplied. Fittings must be ordered separately. Filter material, such as glass wool, not supplied.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1169X795813-238 x 85mm filter column
1169X805813-268 x 150mm filter column
1169X815813-3215 x 150mm filter column

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