Forced Convection Chamber Furnace NA500/45 with B500 Controller 480V

SKU : f5bdd995235d

Kami mempersembahkan produk, Forced Convection Chamber Furnace NA500/45 with B500 Controller 480V dari kategori Furnaces. Produk ini dirancang dengan teliti untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda akan kualitas dan kenyamanan. Dengan menggunakan bahan berkualitas tinggi dan teknologi terkini, Forced Convection Chamber Furnace NA500/45 with B500 Controller 480V akan menjadi pilihan sempurna untuk melengkapi kebutuhan proyek Anda. Informasi harga Forced Convection Chamber Furnace NA500/45 with B500 Controller 480V dapat di email ke atau whatsapp ke 085717112222.

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU f5bdd995235d Kategori :
Clarkson NA5042K2-480
Forced Convection Chamber Furnace NA500/45 with B500 Controller 480V
Nabertherm NA–5042K2-480

High-Temperature Ovens, Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces up to 850 °C

These chamber furnaces with air circulation are characterized by their extremely high temperature uniformity. Hence, they are especially suitable for processes such as annealing, crystalizing, preheating, curing, but also for numerous processes in tool making. Due to the modular concept, the forced convection furnaces can be adjusted to the process requirements by adding suitable equipment.

Standard Equipment

  • Tmax 450 °C, 650 °C, or 850 °C
  • Horizontal air circulation with optimum distribution through stainless steel baffles
  • Swing door hinged on the right
  • Temperature uniformity up to +/− 4 °C according to DIN 17052-1 (NAT 15/65 and NAT 30/85 up to +/− 5 °C) in the empty work space
  • One frame sheet and rails for two additional trays included in the scope of delivery (NAT 15/65 and NAT 30/85 without frame sheet)
  • Base frame included in the delivery, NAT 15/65 and NAT 30/85 designed as table-top model
  • Controller B400/B410 (5 programs with each 4 segments)
  • Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions
  • NTLog Basic for Nabertherm controller: recording of process data with USB-flash drive

Additional Equipment

  • Optimization of the temperature uniformity up to +/− 3 °C according to DIN 17052-1 in the empty work space
  • Air inlet and exhaust air flaps when used for drying
  • Controlled fan assisted cooling
  • Manual lift door (up to model NA 120/..)
  • Pneumatic lift door
  • Air circulation with speed control, recommendable for processes with light or sensitive charge
  • Additional frame sheet
  • Gas supply boxes different charging methods
  • Feed and charging aids
  • Charge control with documentation of the charge thermocouple
  • Process control and documentation via VCD software package for monitoring, documentation and control

Catalog NumberModelTMaxControllerVolumeElectrical

Interior Dimensions
W x D x H (mm)

Exterior Dimensions
W x D x H (mm)

NA120/45450B500120480V 9.8kW
450 x 600 x 4501250 x 1550 x 1550460kg

480V 9.8kW

450 x 600 x 4501250 x 1550 x 1550460kg
NA250/45450B500250480V 12.8kW
600 X 750 X 6001350 X 1650 X 1725590kg
NA250/45450C540250480V 12.8kW
600 X 750 X 6001350 X 1650 X 1725590kg
NA–5042K2-480 *NA500/45450B500500480V 18.8kW
450 X 750 X 10001550 X 1900 X 1820750kg
NA500/45450C540500480V 18.8kW
450 X 750 X 10001550 X 1900 X 1820750kg

480V 9.0kW

650 X 350 X 500910 X 1390 X 1475350kg
NA60/65650C54060480V 9.0kW
350 X 500 X 350910 X 1390 X 1475350kg
NA120/65650C540120480V 13.0kW
450 X 600 X 450990 X 1470 X 1550460kg
NA120/65650B500120480V 13.0kW
450 X 600 X 450990 X 1470 X 1550460kg

480V 21.0kW

600 x 750 x 6001170 x 1650 x 1680590kg
NA250/65650B500250480V 21.0kW
600 x 750 x 6001170 x 1650 x 1680590kg
NA500/65650B500500480V 28.0kW
650 X 750 X 10001290 X 1890 X 1825750kg
NA60/85850B50060480V 11.0kW
350 x 500 x 350790 x 1330 x 1440315kg
NA60/85850C54060480V 11.0kW
350 x 500 x 350790 x 1330 x 1440315kg
NA120/85850B500120480V 14.0kW
450 X 600 X450890 X 1420 X 1540390kg

480V 14.0kW

450 X 600 X 450890 X 1420 X 1540390kg
NA250/85850B500250480V 23.0kW
600 x 750 x 6001120 X 1690 X 1810840kg
NA250/85850C540250480V 23.0kW
600 x 750 x 6001120 X 1690 X 1810840kg
NA500/85850B500500480V 34.0kW
750 x 1000 x 7501270 x 1940 x 19601150kg
NA500/85850C540500480V 34.0kW
750 x 1000 x 7501270 x 1940 x 19601150kg

Jika Anda tertarik untuk memperoleh Furnaces atau peralatan uji dan ukur lainnya, maka Alat-Test adalah mitra yang dapat Anda percayai! Kami menyediakan berbagai alat laboratorium dan uji untuk berbagai industri. Produk berkualitas tinggi kami telah membantu banyak perusahaan meningkatkan kontrol kualitas dan efisiensi produksi mereka.

Kami memiliki berbagai jenis Furnaces dan peralatan uji lainnya yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Kami siap memberikan informasi lebih lanjut dan membantu Anda memilih peralatan yang paling cocok untuk bisnis Anda.

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Tim kami siap memberikan informasi lebih lanjut, memberikan penawaran khusus, dan membantu Anda menemukan solusi yang tepat untuk kebutuhan uji dan ukur Anda.

Jadi, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi Alat-Test sekarang juga! Kami adalah mitra yang handal untuk kebutuhan peralatan uji dan ukur Anda. Dengan bantuan kami, Anda dapat meningkatkan kualitas produk Anda dan mencapai keberhasilan yang lebih besar dalam bisnis Anda. Terima kasih telah membaca, dan kami berharap dapat bekerja sama dengan Anda segera! ️

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