GC Capillary Column

SKU : cae37936229e

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SKU cae37936229e Kategori :

Gas Chromatography (GC) columns are at the heart of the gas chromatograph and responsible for the separation process. GC is one of the most important and critical tools in analytical chemistry, because of its effectiveness, sensitivity and ease-of-use. GC columns contain a stationary phase, typically a polymeric material. It is through the interaction between the analytes and this stationary phase within the column that separation of the analyte into their molecular components can occur.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas No Mfr No Description
19A00K349 CP9162 VF-1701ms 30m x 0.32mm x 0.25um

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