GC Capillary Column

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 3e55ee37f701 Kategori :

Agilent J&W DB-ALC1 and DB-ALC2 analytical columns enable two-minute blood alcohol content analysis, reducing run time by one-third compared to other blood alcohol analysis columns. Because of its unique polarity, DB-ALC2 also provides better resolution of key ethanol/acetone peaks than other available blood alcohol confirmation columns. Agilent J&W DB-ALC1 and DB-ALC2 analytical columns enable two-minute blood alcohol content analysis, reducing run time by one-third compared to other blood alcohol analysis columns. Because of its unique polarity, DB-ALC2 also provides better resolution of key ethanol/acetone peaks than other available blood alcohol confirmation columns.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
19A00B061125-9134E5inch cage DB-ALC1 30m, 0.53mm, 3.00um

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