GC Capillary Column

SKU : 1190e63aa5aa

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SKU 1190e63aa5aa Kategori :

Agilent J&W DB-WAX is ideal for food, fragrance, and flavor applications. The column’s lower temperature limit of 20 °C improves resolution of analytes with low boiling points. Agilent offers a full range of PEG columns. Even though each phase is based on the polyethylene glycol polymer, strict control of the cross-linking and deactivation processes result in a variety of unique phase characteristics to meet your varying analysis needs.

This product is only available to U.S. Domestic Customers.

For research use only, not to be used in diagnostic procedures.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
19A00B051125-7031LTMDB-WAX 30m, 0.53mm, 0.25um, LTM

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