Glycerol Standard (30 mL x 4) for Honey and Maple Syrup Photometers

SKU : 16fab905e816

The HI93703-57 is a reagent grade glycerol reference standard used in the calibration of the HI96785 Honey Color Analyzer and HI96759 Maple Syrup Photometer. The glycerol is used to calibrate the photometers to 100% transmittance. A honey or maple syrup sample is then tested to determine the amount of light, at a specific wavelength, can be transmitted relative to the glycerol standard. The % transmittance is then used to grade the appropriate product. For honey the results are reported as pfund mm while for maple syrup % transmittance is used. The HI93703-57 is for 4 bottles containing 30 mL of glycerol.

  • Convenient bottles
  • Sealed for freshness
  • Expiration date on label

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Glycerol is a simple organic alcohol compound that is clear, colorless and viscous. Due to these properties it is used to calibrate a photometer to 100% transmittance which is the maximum amount of light that passes through a cuvette containing a sample and detected by a silicon photodetector. For honey and maple the calibration is done at a specific wavelength of light. The wavelength used is based on the appropriate method and represents a complementary color of the sample to be tested.



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