Gold Seal Cover Slips

SKU : 3cd75ae9e401

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 3cd75ae9e401 Kategori :

Moistur-Barrierâ„¢ Packaging

  • Made from non-fogging, corrosion-resistant glass
  • Thickness is controlled to the following tolerances: No. 0 is 0.085 to 0.13 mm; No. 1, 0.13 to 0.17 mm

Lint-free plastic boxes with hinged lid. Cover glasses are packaged 1 oz. per box; case contains 10 boxes. Cases are wrapped in plastic and foil to seal out moisture. Bags of desiccant are packed within the case to absorb interior moisture.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
6672A1422X22-1-002GCOVER GLASS, No. 1 Thickness Squares, 22 x 22 mm, 1 oz. Bx.
6672A3824X40-1-002GCOVER GLASS, No. 1 Thickness Rectangles, 24 x 40 mm, 1 oz. Bx.
6672A4224X50-1-002GCOVER GLASS, No. 1 Thickness Rectangles, 24 x 50 mm, 1 oz. Bx.
6672A4624X60-1-002GCOVER GLASS, No. 1 Thickness Rectangles, 24 x 60 mm, 1 oz. Bx.

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