
SKU : 878034672467

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 878034672467 Kategori :
  • Bonded PLOT column technology
  • Suitable for light hydrocarbons and sulfur gas
  • Retention stability not affected by water
  • Separates CO and CO2 on a single column
  • Ideal PLOT column for CG/MS – no particles
  • Temperature limits: -80° to 260°/300°C
  • Similar phase: CP-Silica PLOT

Agilent Technologies products are intended for sale/shipment within the US only. International customers should contact their local Agilent Technologies distributor to place orders for Agilent Technologies products.

Thomas No. ID (mm) Length (m)
2713Q18 0.32 5
2713Q19 0.32 15
2713Q20 0.32 30
2713Q21 0.32 60
Thomas No Mfr No Description
2713Q18 113-4302 Column GS-Gaspro 5mx0.32mm I.D.
2713Q19 113-4312 Column GS-Gaspro15mx0.32mm I.D.
2713Q20 113-4332 Column GS-Gaspro 30mx0.32mm I.D.
2713Q21 113-4362 Column GS-Gaspro 60mx0.32mm I.D.

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