HC-40 Cation Exchange Columns

SKU : 46885d91b576

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SKU 46885d91b576 Kategori :

Separate compounds through size exclusion.  HC-40 columns separate compounds through size exclusion. The 4% cross-linked HC-40 uses size exclusion as the primary mechanism of separation. The higher carbohydrate oligomers elute first while the smaller di- and monosaccharaides elute later.

Pack Your Own Columns – Hamilton offers a range of bulk polymer resins for customers who prefer to pack their own column hardware. Chromatographic capacity and efficiency tests are conducted on both bulk and packed column resins to ensure product integrity. Samples from different lots can be purchased for method and process validation.

HC-40 (Ca2+) 10-15 5 µm 7.8 x 305 mmThomas No. 1192D95
Stationary PhaseHC-40 (Ca2+)
ModeCation Exchange
USP ClassificationUSP L19
Packing Material TypePSDVB/Sulfonic Acid
Particle Size10-15 µm
Pore SizeGel-Type
Hardware Inner Diameter7.8 mm
Hardware Length305 mm
Hardware MaterialStainless Steel
Max. Pressure1000
Exchange Capacity5 meq/gm
Mobile Phase Limits100% Water
Buffer StrengthWater
Temp Limits25-90°C
RestorationFlush with 1% calcium chloride at 0.1 mL/min overnight
Compound ClassificationSugar oligomers up to DP8
UOM1 Each
Bulk ResinThomas No. 1177G23
Stationary PhaseHC-40 Ca2+
ModeCation Exchange
USP ClassificationUSP L19
Particle Size9 µm
Pore SizeGel-Type
FormatBulk Resin
Exchange CapacityFlush with 1% calcium chloride at 0.1 mL/min overnight.
UOMper gram
Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1192D9579432HC-40 (Ca2+) 10-15 µm 7.8 x 305 mm
1177G2379707HC-40 (Ca 2+), 9 µm Bulk Resin

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