Hematology Analyzer LX302HMA

  • Throughput: 60 tests/hour
  • Assay Items: 5 parts, 29 parameters, 3 histograms, 3D scattergram
  • Principle: Tri-angle laser scatter, Flow cytometry method, 3D scattergram analysis, Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting, Cyanide-free method for HGB test
  • Test Mode: CBC mode, CBC+DIFF mode Venous whole blood, Capillary whole blood and Prediluted

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SKU 5f39300c8607 Kategori :

Hematology analyzer LX302HMA is a 5-part fully automatic benchtop unit that can carry out 60 tests per hour. Designed with a touch screen display with various types of test mode functions. The Working principle has a Tri-angle laser scatter, Flow cytometry method, 3D scattergram analysis, Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting, and Cyanide-free method for HGB test. Stores up to 100,000 results including histograms, scattergrams and patient information. It is used widely in patients and research. All the functions are highly efficient, easy and fast to operate.



Throughput60 tests/hour
Assay Items5 parts, 29 parameters, 3 histograms, 3D scattergram
PrincipleTri-angle laser scatter, Flow cytometry method, 3D scattergram analysis, Impedance method for RBC and PLT counting, Cyanide-free method for HGB test
Test ModeCBC mode, CBC+DIFF mode Venous whole blood, Capillary whole blood and Prediluted
ParametersWBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, PLT, MPV, PCT,PDW, P-LCR, P-LCC, NEU%, LYM%, MON%, EOS%,BAS%,NEU#, LYM#, MON#, EOS#, BAS# 4 Research parameter: ALY%, ALY#, IG%, IG#
ItemLinearity rangeCarry OverCV
Sample VolumeCBC+DIFF mode≤20μl; CBC mode≤10μl
Storage10,000 resultsincludinghistograms, scattergrams and patient information
Interface4 USB ports, 1LAN port Bi-direction LIS, support HL7 protocol, Internal RFID reader
Power SupplyAC220V±10% 50/60Hz; 110V±10% 60Hz; 400VA
Package size (W x D x H)670 x 590 x 790 mm
Gross weight55 kg


14-inch touch screen display, 3D holographic scatter gram displays the accurate 5-part differentiation of WBC

Various types of test modes such as CBC mode, CBC+DIFF mode venous whole blood, Capillary whole blood and Prediluted

Easy to operate, Friendly and Intellective Software

Designed with 4 USB ports, 1LAN port Bi-direction LIS, support HL7 protocol and Internal RFID reader

Storage capacity up to 100,000 with histograms, scattergrams and patient information


Hematology analyzers are used to run tests on blood samples. They are used in the medical field to do white blood cell counts, complete blood counts, reticulocyte analysis, and coagulation tests.


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