High Efficiency Condensers

SKU : 8319e2e8b6d0

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SKU 8319e2e8b6d0 Kategori :

This unique design combines some of the best features for refluxing in a single condenser. Coolant, introduced into the upper hose connection, fills a large cold finger that is wrapped with coils. After the coolant travels through the coils, it enters the water jacket to maximize cooling surface along the vapor path. Angled take off joint is a standard taper 24/40, and the angled take off joint for the 45/50 size is a standard taper 29/42. Hose connections for the 24/40 size condenser are 10mm at the largest serration. Hose connections for the 45/50 size are 15mm at the largest serration.

Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1146W95CG-1215-C-01Condenser, High Efficiency, 500mm, 24/40 Joint, 400mm Jacket Length
1146W96CG-1215-C-02Condenser, High Efficiency, 730mm, 45/50 Joint, 600mm Jacket Length
1146W97CG-1215-C-10Condenser, High Efficiency, 590mm, 45/50 Joint, 465mm Jacket Length

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