Hygro-Thermometer Psychrometer

SKU : 28a2cf101d48

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SKU 28a2cf101d48 Kategori :

Conveniently check the Humidity and Temperature conditions in residential and professional settings to ensure comfort and safety. The RHT510 is a Hygro-Thermometer Psychrometer that measures Relative Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point, and Wet Bulb. General purpose bead wire Type K probe is included for measuring Temperature up to ~480°F (250°C), while the meter can measure to 2372°F (1300°C) if used with other probes. Min/Max function stores and recalls highest and lowest readings. Additional features include: large LCD display with backlight, Data Hold and Auto power off with disable option. Complete with wrist strap, general purpose Type K bead wire Temperature probe, and 3 AAA batteries.



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1140C89RHT510Hygro-Thermometer Psychrometer Measures Relative Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point, and Wet Bulb

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