Industrial Flat Tip ORP Electrodes

SKU : f445825f4024

These flat tipped ORP electrodes are designed for industrial applications with features such as a PTFE junction and platinum sensor. With it’s durable design, you can count on this electrode to stand up to your process environment.

  • ORP electrode with exclusive PTFE non-clogging membrane.
  • Self-cleaning flat tip sensor.
  • Built for everyday, demanding use in industrial applications.


Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU f445825f4024 Kategori :

Flat tip

Virtually eliminates deposits that can foul the electrode, significantly reducing necessary maintenance.

PTFE junction

The electrode has a unique clog resistant junction that enhances both probe life and accuracy

Sensor Type

Platinum sensor provides the best response over a wide range of applications while gold sensors are required for measurement of cyanide or highly oxidative environments.

BNC connector

Allows for quick and easy connection to any pH/ORP meter or transmitter.

PVDF body

PVDF withstands high pressure and high temperature applications, and guarantees a high chemical and mechanical resistance.

Internal matching pin

Avoid typical problems caused by grounding loop current, such as progressive damage of the electrode, fluctuating measurements, and poor process regulation.