Integrating Sound Level Meter

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SKU 450507c1476f Kategori :

Leq and SEL measurements with built-in datalogger and PC interface


  • 4-digit multifunction LCD with analog bargraph
  • Precise linearity over wide range (100dB)
  • Display modes: SPL, SPL MIN/MAX, SEL, and Leq
  • Programmable integrating time
  • A and C Frequency weighting
  • Impulse/Fast/Slow response settings
  • Datalogging function records up to 32,000 records
  • Real time calendar/clock
  • Analog and alarm output features can be used to connect with Frequency analyzers, chart recorders, external dataloggers, and sound level alarms
  • Built-in USB interface with included Windows® datalogging software
  • Tripod mount
  • Meets IEC 61672-1, 60651/60804 Type 2 and ANSI S1.4 Type 2 specifications
  • Complete with windscreen, adjustment screwdriver, USB cable, Windows® compatible software, battery, and case



Applicable StandardsIEC 61672-1, 60651 and 60804 Type 2, ANSI S1.4 Type 2
Accuracy±1.5dB (ref 94dB@1KHz)
Digital Display4 digital LCD
Measurement ParametersSPL, SPL MIN/MAX, SEL, and Leq
Measurement Range30dB to 130dB
Linearity Range100dB
Measurement Frequency Range31.5Hz to 8KHz
Frequency WeightingA and C
ResponseImpulse, Fast and Slow
Microphone1/2 ” Electret condenser microphone
Sampling timeupdated every 0.5s
Bargraph4dB steps, 100dB range, 125ms update
Display Warning Function
Overrange IndicatorDisplayed at the upper limit
Underrange IndicatorDisplayed at the lower limit
Analog AC/DC Output2Vrms (at full scale), 10mVDC/dB
Power SupplyFour 1.5V AA batteries, Optional AC adapter
Battery LifeApproximately 24 hours
Dimensions10.4×2.8×0.8″ (265x72x21mm)
Weight10.9oz (310g)


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1197J04407780AIntegrating Sound Level Meter with USB

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