IR Thermometer/Led Light Pen

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 2472642d80ee Kategori :
  • Response time of 1 second
  • Range: -27 to 428°F, -33 to 220°C
  • Resolution: 0.5°F, 0.2°C
  • Accuracy: 2.5% or 2.5°C, whichever is greater

On one end the pen features a super bright white LED. A standard AAA battery provides 6 hours of continuous illumination. The other end contains a non-contact infrared thermometer. Press the button to scan temperature and release to hold. The IR thermometer is protected by a lens cap when not in use. Two LR44 (button cell) batteries provide 35 hours of continuous temperature measurement. All batteries (1 AAA and 2 L1154 button cell) are included and the display will inform you when they need to be changed. Comes in an attractive foam lined metal case. Dim: 6” x 1/2” (152 x 13 mm). Weight: 2 oz (60 g).


Range:-27º to 482ºF (-33° to 250°C)
Resolution:0.1ºF/0.1°C when under 200°C,
1ºF/1°C when over 200°C
Accuracy:±2% or 2°C, whichever is greater
Operating Temperature:32º to 122ºF (0°to 50°C)
Storage Temperature:-4ºto 138ºF (-20°to 60°C)


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1230M98800100IR Thermometer / Led Light Pen
1165T40800100CCertified IR Thermometer/ LED Light Pen

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