LaMotte Turbidity Standard

SKU : f14f50c751e1

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU f14f50c751e1 Kategori :

The LaMotte 60 mL EPA and ISO turbidity standard are used with turbidity meter, to measure the turbidity (or cloudiness) of liquid samples. These are suitable for used in research facilities and chemical laboratories to conduct wide range of experiments. They are available in sturdy bottle that endures heavy and rigorous usage.

Application: For Chemical Test only



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
C997D651453TURBIDITY STND, 1NTU, 2020wi
C997D661454TURBIDITY STND, 10NTU, 2020wi
C997D671455TURBIDITY STND, 100NTU, 2020wi
C997D681450TURBIDITY STND, 1NTU, 2020we
C997D691451TURBIDITY STND, 10NTU, 2020we
C997D701452TURBIDITY STND, 100NTU, 2020we

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