Light Meters Lux/FC

SKU : 780c4eff1d76

Info penawaran harga dan pemesanan hubungi:

SKU 780c4eff1d76 Kategori :

Fast, stable and accurate response

Light Meter Lux 840006

Monitor light levels anywhere with fast, stable and accurate response. Results are easily read on t he extra large digits ( 7/8″ high, 2 2mm) t hat also indicates w hen t he battery is low or the reading over range. The color and cosine corrected sensor meets C.I.E. photopic spectrum. Also features an external zero adjustment, hold function and a easel back. Comes ready to use with soft padded case and shoulder strap, instructions, detachable sensor with cover, and a 9V battery. Meter Dim: 8″ × 2-3/4″ × 1-1/4″ (200 × 68 × 30mm). Weight: 9oz (280g).

Light Meter FC 840021

Same as 840006, but reads in foot-candles.

Light Meter Lux/FC 840020

Same as 840006 but reads both lux and foot-candles and also features max-min, bar graph display and computer output.

6293A02 – Available with N.I.S.T. Traceable Certificate of Calibration as 840006C

1225A65 – Available with N.I.S.T. Traceable Certificate of Calibration as 840021C



Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
6293A02840006LIGHT METER
1225A65840021Light Meter Foot Candles
1225A66840021CLight Meter Foot Candles Certified
6293A05840020CLIGHT METER, NIST Traceable Certificate

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