LogTag® Temperature & Humidity Data Logger

SKU : e4fcb619637f

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SKU e4fcb619637f Kategori :

The LogTag Humidity & Temperature Recorder measures and stores up to 8000 sets of high resolution humidity and temperature readings over 0 to 100%RH & -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F) measurement ranges.
Using the LogTag Interface and LogTag’s freely available companion software LogTag Analyzer, the LogTag is easily set-up for recording conditions including delayed start, sampling interval, number of readings, continuous or fixed number of readings and configuration of conditions to activate the ALERT indicator. Readings are downloaded using LogTag Analyzer, which provides facilities for charting, zooming, listing data statistics and allows exporting the data to other applications such as MS Excel.


  • NIST Traceable w/Certificate
  • Alert indicator – indicates if readings are outside of preset limits
  • OK indicator indicates if still recording and if readings within configured limits
  • Inspection mark in log by push button
  • Push Button Logging start with optional delayed start or specific Time & Date start
  • Rapid Download! Takes only seconds to download recordings
  • Fine resolution of measurement – 0.1%RH & 0.1°C/°F
  • ‘Pre-Start’ logging – Logtag can be configured to record even if it has not been started.
  • High performance at low cost
  • Credit card sized case – thin enough to be easily mailed “letter rate”.
  • Real time clock records time & temperature simultaneously
  • Easy to use LogTag Analyzer software that runs on any PC configures LogTag for recording then downloads resulting data for analysis. Data can also be exported to fomats compatible with other applications such as MS Excel
  • Re-calibration to achieve higher accuracy possible
  • Replaceable sensor air filter


Humdity Measurement Range:0 ~ 100%RH but with limitations as detailed in Humidity Measurement Operating and Storage conditions below
Temperature Measurement Range:-40 ~ +85°C (-40 ~ +185°F)
Resolution:0.1%RH & 0.1°C/°F
Capacity:8000 pairs of humidity & temperature readings (32Kbytes memory)
Sampling frequency:adjustable, 30 sec to several hours
Logging start options:Push button start or specific date & time.
Recording indication:Flashing ‘OK’ indicator flashing ‘Alert’ indicator.
Download Time:Typically with full memory (8000 pairs of readings) in less than 10 seconds depending on computer or readout device used.
Environmental:IP61 (when hung or mounted vertically)
Power source:3V Lithium battery
Battery life:2 ~ 3 years of normal use (based on 15 minute logging, download data monthly)
Size:86mm(H) x 54.5mm(W) x 8.6mm(T)
Case Material:Polycarbonate


Thomas NoMfr NoDescription
1178X33LTHAX08Data Logger, Temperature and Humidity
1178X34LTISOLOGRHTemp Humidity Certification for LTHAX08
23A00V975LTHASO-8HASO-8 Temperature and Humidity Recorder

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